What Should I Know About PPC Campaigns?

US Digital Ad Spending By Format - eMarketerIt is a fact that Search is the Online Advertising format with the most important investing percent of all options available but why is this happening? Well, basically because it works. If you have a short or medium term direct response goal such as getting prospect consumers to visit your website, acquire their information by leading them to fill a form, induce them to email or call you to ask more information or even raise the number of purchases being completed on your site, then a PPC Campaign is the way to go.

As in these cases the goal is to generate clicks on the ad, the PPC advertising model (also known as CPC) consists on paying the publisher per each click received on the ad. The Cost per Click could be determined either on a bid based model or a flat rate model. Google is the most used platform to develop these campaigns but there are many other channels such as Bing, Yahoo, Chitika, etc.

To develop a PPC Campaign basically consists on the following process:

1. Determine your conversion.

Set a goal and assign an economic value for each time this goal is achieved. If the conversion is not a financial transaction, this rate can be based on how much this action is worth for you.

2. Prepare your tools.

A PPC campaign mainly needs three components.

  • An efficient list of keywords that is pertinent to your target and related to your content and/or offerings.
  • Attractive text ads that are relevant to the query and will motivate prospect customers to access your website.
  • An efficient landing page that offers an easy user experience (and an easy conversion) that is related to the keywords and the ads.

3. Launch your campaign.

Set your budget, start and ending dates and watch your campaign go live.

4. Monitor. Optimize. Measure.

You must keep track and make adjustments on your campaign on an everyday basis to boost your PPC performance, especially by improving your CTR and lowering your CPC.

As you can see, there’s a lot to take in consideration before launching a PPC campaign so be prepared to invest an important amount of time on this or hire a search strategist to help you out. Either way, properly conducted PPC campaigns work!

4 Tips that will help you boost the engagement of your fanpage organically

FBWe all know that it is a must for many enterprises and brands to plunge in the Social Media trend and start joining the conversation but for many, managing an online community could be a headache.  In the following lines I will share with you some practices that have helped me improve the engagement of several fanpages on Facebook.

Study your audience

Get to know your public, starting with your current fans. How old are they? Where do they live? When do they go online? Knowing these facts will help you develop the correct voice for your fanpage and will indicate you when your posts would achieve highest reach levels.

Try posting different content

There are no rules and formulas that could indicate you what kind of content will work best for you. Experiment posting about different subjects that are aligned with your product/service but also that may interest your public (who you already know by now) and evaluate the results.

Be relevant

Remember that most of the time it is more valuable to create long-term relationships with your prospects than achieving short-term sales objectives. That’s why, in order to develop that continuous contact, you must provide information that your public consider relevant and will want to keep on receiving. This will not only help you build the pursued relationship, but will also help you maintain your fanbase and make it grow through their friends.

Create shareable graphics

It is a fact that image posts deliver more results than text alone and the more likes, comments and shares the posts gets, the more it will be exposed to a more robust audience.

So basically, to generate action from your target audience, you must first get to know them to be able to tell them a story that they will like to hear and share in the right moment. By applying these practices, you will improve the results you are currently obtaining on your fanpage.

How do B2B Marketers Use Content Marketing?

We all know that the B2B buying process is different from the B2C model. B2B clients tend to do more research and to maintain longer buying procedures because of the high investments and the inflated risks. That’s why B2B marketers are in a constant search of gaining their clients’ trust and looking to pursue their most effective tactic: in-person events.

Source: CMI + eMarketer

Source: CMI + eMarketer

Kris Oser, Content Director of eMarketer, assures that using Content Marketing keeps the prospect interacting and brings them closer to that face-to-face moment. As reported by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), 93% of B2B marketers in USA have used Content Marketing. Also, CopyPress states that 34.8% of all marketers use Content Marketing as their Leading Marketing Focus. So this basically means that Content Marketing works!

It’s no surprise that LinkedIn is the number one social network used by B2B marketers to reach their prospect customers. Besides social media, website articles, e-newsletters and blogs are the most popular content marketing tactics.

According to eMarketer the three best practices for content marketers are:

  • Be useful and relevant to clients and prospects
  • Move beyond likes to loyalty
  • Crank the content spigot

Having all this in mind we can infer that, if applied correctly, Content Marketing is a key tactic for almost any B2B business Marketing Plan. With some research, B2B marketers get to know their consumers’ socialgraphics and create smart strategies to engage with their prospects, because at the end of the day, who make the purchase decisions are humans.

The Impact of using Video on Content Marketing

It is known as a fact that markets have gained more power than ever. The consumer is getting cleverer by the second and is using that intelligence to make smarter purchases by investigating through their peers or data available online before heading to his preferred point of sale. This is why many companies are including content marketing as part of their marketing efforts. It is important for enterprises to ensure that when possible consumers are looking them up, they will easily find accurate information the target needs to make the pursued choice. And it works!

Credits: Aberdeen Group

Credits: Aberdeen Group

According to a study made by the Aberdeen Group, brands that implement video as part of their Content Marketing Strategy report higher effectiveness than those who don’t. This happens because video attracts the attention of the possible consumer, it provides the opportunity of offering a great customer experience and it also gives a valuable tool in Social Media. Brands that implement a TV Channel or a Video Gallery in their website tend to experience higher time on site from the visitors, more content virality and better conversion rate.

As mentioned in Brightcove’s Webinar, marketers are being creative upon the challenge of achieving greater goals with fewer resources.  Video is one of the most effective approaches and that’s why it’s highly recommended to use it as part of the Content Marketing Strategy in order to get satisfying results.